Potion Permit Review

Potion Permit has good puzzle and simulation ideas that are ground down by tedious busywork.

Bear & Breakfast Review

Bear & Breakfast is a wonderful, whimsical idea sabotaged by an interminably frustrating interface.

Wayward Strand Review

Wayward Strand is an easy recommendation for anyone looking for something slower, quieter, and sweeter.

Cult of the Lamb Review

Cult of the Lamb is a hollow chocolate effigy: Satisfactory, but empty and leaving me wishing for more.

War Mines Collection Review

War Mines Collection is a curiosity at a cheap price, but hardly essential for either puzzle or history fans.

Tunic Review

Tunic is a fascinating action-and-puzzle videogame that is only hampered by one too many layers of mysteries.

Infernax Review

Infernax is a gory retro platformer overflowing with explorable possibilities.