Dredge Review

Dredge layers a creepy atmosphere on unique fishing mechanics to create an engrossing and original adventure.

Mortal Shell Review

Mortal Shell is a contradiction: an inadequate and acceptable alternative to an infamous inspiration.

Tinykin Review

Tinykin is a wonderful 3D platformer, almost totally devoid of notable flaws.

Potion Permit Review

Potion Permit has good puzzle and simulation ideas that are ground down by tedious busywork.

Bear & Breakfast Review

Bear & Breakfast is a wonderful, whimsical idea sabotaged by an interminably frustrating interface.

Wayward Strand Review

Wayward Strand is an easy recommendation for anyone looking for something slower, quieter, and sweeter.

Cult of the Lamb Review

Cult of the Lamb is a hollow chocolate effigy: Satisfactory, but empty and leaving me wishing for more.

Disco Elysium Review

Disco Elysium is intricate, dense, and often genius. It is also slow, unfocused, and sometimes boring.