A detestable protagonist and repetitive storytelling sabotages Donut County’s appealingly simple puzzle design.
Tag: 2018 Videogames
Golf Peaks Review
Golf Peaks is a smart but featureless puzzle collection.
Guacamelee! 2 Review
Guacamelee! 2 is an awkward combo platter of triumphant platforming, stagnant combat, and weak comedy.
Flipping Death Review
Flipping Death is a silly and morbid good time.
Dusk Review
Dusk is a retro love letter to Quake packed with horrifying images and clever level design.
Artifex Mundi Hidden Object Games Review
Hidden Object Games are fun, bite-sized throwbacks to the plot-and-puzzle-driven adventure videogames of the 1990s.
The Messenger Review
The Messenger is an excellent and efficient retro platformer.
CrossCode Review
I’m not trying to sound hyperbolic; CrossCode is just that good.
House Flipper Review
House Flipper’s design is too shallow to be rewarding and too dull to be entertaining.
Way of the Passive Fist Review
Way of the Passive Fist is a beat ‘em up with the twist that I never beat anyone up.