Plague of Shadows is by far the most disposable of Shovel Knight: Treasure Trove’s single-player content.
Tag: 2015 Videogames
Trine 3: The Artifacts of Power Review
Recommending or not recommending Trine 3: The Artifacts of Power is pointless.
SteamWorld Heist Review
SteamWorld Heist has the potential for fun shooting and challenging strategy but is occasionally undermined by randomization and repetition.
Axiom Verge Review
Axiom Verge is a bland and derivative adventure platformer.
Tokyo Mirage Sessions ♯FE Review
Can a single enjoyable mechanic redeem an otherwise bad videogame?
Odallus: The Dark Call Review
If I was in a mood to find demons more exciting than doorways, I might find Odallus a disappointment.
Bloodborne Review
Flush with development experience from the three videogames that precede it, Bloodborne reimagines and refines the Souls formula with new ideas.