Tunic Review

Tunic is a fascinating action-and-puzzle videogame that is only hampered by one too many layers of mysteries.

Tails of Iron Review

Tails of Iron feels like playing a gruesome passage from Redwall if it was read as a bedtime story by Geralt of Rivia.

CrossCode Review

I’m not trying to sound hyperbolic; CrossCode is just that good.

Trigger Witch Review

Trigger Witch is let down by lacking difficulty and redeemed by absurdist novelty.

Mighty Goose Review

Mighty Goose is an irreverent and solidly built arcade shooter that leaves me wishing for more.

UnderMine Review

Undermine won’t convince the unconverted but is a solid, if familiar, experience for procgen dungeon crawler fans.

Hades Review

Hades is the perfect genre entrypoint for newcomers and a satisfying experience for veterans.